Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Commentary about Prop 8

I could not have agreed more with my peer Edgar Jann Palomo's editorial "Prop 8" about Proposition 8 and the outrage over homosexual marriages.  I will try not to focus on my religious views as much.  As we know this topic is among popularity with Arizona's immigration law.  Just last week Judge Vaughn Walker overturned Proposition 8, in which 52% of voters were against allowing same-sex marriages in California.  I am a heterosexual female, but I do support homosexual marriage.  I believe everyone has the right to love and to be happy in what ever way they may choose.  Homosexuals are a minority along with hispanics and african americans, so why follow in the footsteps of our past, and oppress someone because they are not like the majority?

Edgar states how although homosexuality is a sin in the Bible, he believes the Bible is similar to our Constitution, in which it was written " adapt to societal changes."  Well Edgar, I am religious, however I am not angered by anything that you have stated, shocking right?  Well I actually have the same thoughts as you.  Yes, I do follow rules according to the Bible, as much as I can, but you cannot expect everyone to do the same, which goes along with the diversity of our country.  Yes the Bible states that homosexuality is a sin, but believe me everyone sins on a daily basis and Jesus did die for our sins.  But the way that I have come to think of it is that not only do people have different religions and beliefs, but regardless they are going to do what they want to, and who are we to get in the way of that?  If they are stopped then they will find some way to get around that barrier, as we have seen they are more than determined to fight for their rights.  I suppose that our country as a whole may be opposed to homosexuality because they may think that if their children are exposed to it then 'it will have an affect on them' too.  If this is a thought, then obviously the same can and should be said for today's secular and sexual music, which kids pick up on faster than they do school assignments.

Back to the subject at hand, what I agree with most is that individuals should not look down on or try to force their views or opinions on others to make them conform to their ways.  As I have previously stated I am religious, but personally I could care less what someone else does, as long as I know what I am.  People should live life how they choose, and deal with what ever consequences there may be.  "People should be allowed to live their life as they please."

Great editorial Edgar!       

Monday, August 9, 2010

Illegitimate...Unqualified...Conspiracy!!! What To Believe?

Conspiracy theories have continuously been a topic of discussion and great concern in our society, but it has also been a great interest for me.  Do I believe in conspiracy theories?  I will just say that anything is possible!  There has been much speculation that people such as our Founding Father's,  past Presidents and the current President of our country have had some secret and seek to rule our country and take away our freedoms.  What captured my interest for this assignment was this ariticle from CNN which makes a claim that "...presidential illegitimacy have risen as respect for the office has fallen."  Yes, every presidential candidate will NEVER meet EVERY citizen's expectations in one presidential term,  I do not have to think, because I know that this will never occur, because 'you' cannot please everyone.  President's have been said to be illegitimate because people felt they were not qualified for the position.  They have been considered illegitimate because of some of their choices as President, concerns over what they wear, and even for Obama "...coming seemingly out of nowhere to win the presidency...."  I believe that things such as policies that Presidents have formed would have caused me to be suspicious and find them illegitimate, but other things are very amusing and to a certain degree down right ignorant.  According to Constitution we, the governed have the right to 'make changes to our government' if we do not feel that officials are doing their job.  We have the power to vote, my point being that if people believe the President to be illegitimate or believe in different conspiracy theories, why don't WE fight for change or fight for answers.  Though ideas and opinions have been brought up, can we truly judge ANY person without evidence and just hear-say?  Facts are needed!  

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Marijuana Beneficial?

I chose the commentary Benefits of Marijuana Reform from The American Machine Blog.  I chose this article because I too agree that the use of marijuana should be legalized.  I do not smoke, and I am not a fan of it, but I do agree with this commentary and that smoking marijuana should be legalized.  This blog discusses the possible economic gains of legalizing marijuana in the United States.  If legalized such gains may come from "...the taxes that could be set on marijuana-similarly to the tobacco taxes...," causing a large increase in revenue for our country.  Also, because it is a trending and controversial topic, it has been said that marijuana can be used for medical purposes. 

The blog also discusses how the government would save money if marijuana was to become legal, because money would not be spent on those persons in jail for having posession of marijuana.  Because money is spent on prisoners we lose money because there are so many, but if none are convicted of this specific charge then our government would be saving money, even if it is just a little.  I definitely agree that drug kingpins would lose power if marijuana was to become legal.  

A few concerns of mines if marijuana is legalized are what will stop people from growing it themselves, or how much would the person be allowed to intake?  How do we keep the youth and underage people from smoking it?  Lastly, would this cause concern for another law to be put in place with this reform?